Saddlery and Tack Repair
Bring Your Tack Back to Life
CJ Brown is a Master Saddler with over 30 years experience building English and Western Saddles. From repairs to custom builds, CJ has the expertise to satisfy your needs.
CJ works on all brands across all disciplines: English, Western, Polo, Dressage, Australian, Saddle Seat, etc. He's thoroughly skilled to repair, refurbish and re-make other tack such as bridles, halters, girths, breast plates, reins, draw reins, etc.
Don't hesitate to call to discuss in detail: (863) 662-1186.
English Saddle Repairs:
Tree repair and replacement
Full seat replacement
Panel replacement (foam and wool)
Knee Pads
Knee rolls
Thigh blocks
Stitching repair
Western Saddle Repairs:
Cantle binding
Fender repair/replace
Horn swell cover
Saddle rigging
Skirt repair/replacement
Seat repair/re-pad
Carving/Stamping to match original
Full take down- clean and oil
​Other Repairs:
Replace individual bridle parts
Replace broken buckles
Polo saddles, polo equipment
Breast collars
Side reins
Draw reins
Re-attach straps
Patch holes
Repair broken straps
Replace spring clips